Today was a special day and run for me! It was Becca's 'bachelorette' run :) She is getting married early this morning, so I woke up in the wee hours of the morning to get in one last good run. It was SO nice to be with her this morning. Chad even got to join us for a couple miles (his normal running time - we were on his trail after all!) which I'm sure he enjoyed the wedding talk :) Better than company of skunks though I'm assuming.
Becca was really worried about running into a skunk (can you blame her? I mean can you imagine getting sprayed on your wedding day?!?), which has happened to us before (but not sprayed)- and we did see some creature with glowing eyes. I think it was a cat, but we never got close enough to really see! We did get to see a shooting star and run under bright moonlight and had some great conversation. I'm sure gonna miss that girl when she moves to Texas, but I know how happy she'll be in her 'happy ever after' with David! Only bad part is that girl was haulin'! My quads are a bit sore after Saturday and Becca was pushing me, but it's all right, because she was doing most of the talking anyway :) Thanks Becca for SO many miles together! I will really miss you, our long chats, you pulling me through it all, you always willing to drive out to my house so I can be lazy, and stretching on the cool kitchen floor :) It's always hard to see a good friend leave, I'm just glad she is coming back! Well, having family here I expect she'll be back...soon :) CONGRATS Becca and David!! AP: 8:27 splits: 8:44, 8:28, 8:28, 8:21, 8:36, 8:23, 8:25, 8:30, 8:29, 8:10 This picture was at the end of our run - a couple of sweaty girls!! You can see how dark it was when we FINISHED! Almost got to see the beautiful sunrise :) After a good shower :) yeah, I know it's blurry, but it's as good as you get with my camera. 
Does this surprise anyone? :) 
The happy couple!!! 
Gotta get a good dress shot! Isn't it beautiful?!? You should see her bouquet, it is vintage jewelry in fabric flowers - SO beautiful, classic and really an heirloom!