Newtons came to do the Shaggy Mtn loop, but with UVM Saturday and then HOMM the next weekend I decided I need to take this taper/recovery business a little seriously. So, I ran my 4+ mile loop after they left to meet them for their last couple miles. As I left my house I saw someone running by I thought I knew, so I gave chase! It took me longer than I thought it would to catch him, but I did and realized then it wasn't who I thought it was. Oh well, made for a nice speedy first mile. Then hit the uphill, oh I how I love that :( I need to realize in just over a week I'm going to have to run it in a marathon! Get over it Rachel. I got to go about 1/2 mile up past Hi-country gate before I saw the Newtons. Chad and Nick were screaming down the course...which doesn't surprise me...and Curtis not far behind. I decided to see how long I could hang the downhill with them. I made it over a 1/2 mile @ 5:30-5:40 pace. Booyah! Now I just need to link 10 of those together on flat track and I'll be golden :) I stopped at the gate and waited for George so that I could take it a little easier on the way home. Didn't get much easier. He was carrying low 7's! Oh well, a little speed is always good for the legs! Got home and I wanted to even out miles to 6, but it never happened. Becca came over later and we went for a hike and I threw Adam on my back. Five miles to the peak overlooking the valley. Beautiful! We finished in under 2 hours which for hiking and Adam on my back, I'm perfectly fine with. A little Rumbi rounded out the afternoon...gotta carb-load, right?!? It was nice to spend the day with Becca. Both she and Smooth leave within a week of each other. I need some frequent flier miles.... AP: 8:02 splits: 7:35, 9:02, 9:43, 6:55 (my speedy 1/2 mile was in there), 7:17, 7:00