I'm getting really tired of this...really tired of it. I just want life back to normal. A good 10 mile morning run, weights and an aerobics class at the gym and then home. But, my darn child thinks he needs to bite or hit and the daycare ladies are starting to hate him :( I just want normal life back! You know what else? I'd like my little gym back. It's been a year now since it has been closed - I still miss it.
Since hubby has to leave SO early for his training I've been trying to use the day care and I haven't minded sleeping in either, but I think this is now going to have to change. I'm going to have to get up early or forfeit exercise - period. I had a feeling when I heard all the screaming kids and commotion in the daycare this morning it wasn't going to be a good day, should've listened to my inner voice. Dropped Nathan off in his class at the gym (a kids exercise class that he LOVES!) then dropped off Baby.
I've been having issues with tendons in my foot. I am 100% positive it is not anything to do with the fracture, except that my foot was immobilized and is now trying to work itself back. I self-diagnosed that I am flexing my toes when I run which is causing the tendons on the top of my foot (especially over the 4/5 metatarsals) to ache. I talked to my PT about it this morning and we put a plan together to get it gone. I need to start thinking about trying to rub sticky gum off the bottom of my foot when I run and balance out my effort on the outside of the foot, because I'm leaning too much to the big toe side. I think I'm subconciously doing this to protect the fracture site even though it has no more pain or tenderness. Grrr...why can't I just be back to normal? So, strengthening my toes and calf are on the docket. Also, getting rid of it quickly. Tendonitis becomes chronic if left unresolved too long - so I'm knocking this one out.
Long story longer....because of all this I nixed running yesterday and was going to do the elliptical today to give it one more days rest. HA! Remember my biting baby? yeah...15 minutes, FIFTEEN minutes into the elliptical I was called down. Silently praying it was for a dirty diaper....nope. He'd bit a little baby sitting in a bouncer because he wanted to play with the toys on the bouncer. Stinker butt!!! So, I put him in the stroller and decided I'd walk on the track while Nathan finished his class. Well, I could run slowly with the stroller (fast at ALL and it would shake uncontorolably!) so, I did. Nathan's class was up on the track so I ran 3 laps with my little runner then he left and I finished 2 miles.
When I picked up Nathan I wanted to do at least one more mile - he wanted to come with. So, I snuck him on the track (it says 16+ only, but no one complained or called me on it) and he would run a couple laps with me then rest in a corner. I decided to do 2 more miles to even it out to 4. Four miles and 15 min elliptical is almost an hour of workout. Nathan was a great runner and finished over a mile and little Adam just had to sit in the stroller!
Came home and did the Shred L3. I'm really tired of working around life. REALLY tired of it. I just want to get back in shape and all the forces that be are pushing against me and I don't like it! Not one bit. Not to mention since I broke my foot I've gained 5+ pounds. I'm getting really discouraged and just want life back to MY normal - pretty please? |