20.5 miles on the bike, a little slower than I'm used to, but it was great fun with friends. Got to climb the best part of Rose Canyon twice. Pushed the first part, then when I reached the top I turned and went back to where the last of the ladies were and rode up again with them. Better than just sitting at the top.
Now, I'm off to take kiddos to school and the plan is to ride my bike (mtn bike with baby seat) to the gym, put baby in day care, run 3-5 miles on the TM to test out the foot and finish up with a good weight set then bike home. There are some advantages to only having one child at home - I can bike to the gym again!!
I have miles today! yipee! All TM's were full when I got there (Baby LOVED the ride!), so I did the first mile on the track. The turns around the track were a little painful due to the shift of weight, but I got it done and went to a TM. Three more at 8:34 pace. Harder than I remember, but still doable and I could chat with the ladies next to me. The last quarter I pushed the pace and didn't feel a noticeable difference in the foot - another YIPEE! Ended at a 7:00mm. TT: 25:45 (for 3) AP: 8:34
Did a good weight set: Shoulders, upper arms, chest and back. Core and leg work for running. Then we rode home. A little slower, but we got it done.
Icing the foot now. No increased pain, but taking precautions. |