I went to Boston with 6 other friends. 1 wasn't running because of her baby bump. :) I rode the bus up with 2 of my friends for wave 1. I was in corral 1, but moved back to 7 to start with my friend Annie. Bianca was in wave 8 behind us.
My goal going in was to run with Annie for the first 13 and then see what I could do for the last 13. She was trying for a 3:27 I think, and I was shooting for 3:25 or faster. We started and immediately I could tell this was going to be a warm one. I could tell both of us were using our energy to focus on each mile pace because we were hardly talking. It took all concentration just to hit our mile goals. :) We stopped at every water station for water. I was told before hand to make sure to hydrate.
At mile 10 I decided to go ahead on my own because we weren't talking anyway. And I knew I'd need a porta potty stop soon and felt like we'd lose each other after the first potty stop.
I was feeling good, warm, but good. I had a quick porta potty stop. I was in and out. Then around mile 12 my guts started to hurt. I had taken a gu at 5 and 10. I had practiced with the same gus, but could tell my stomach was not happy. In the end I had been in 6 different porta potties stops. Using my watch time vs gun time I had spend 7 minutes in porta potties. :( I felt pretty sad about that, but there's nothing I could do about it.
I tried to take a couple shot blocks at mile 22, but felt like I was going to throw up so I had to just spit them out.
At mile 24 I ran into my friend Andrea. Said hi and chatted for just a few seconds while continuing at my pace.
My legs felt great to the finish, but not my guts. Ugh! They hurt.
I crossed the finish line and sat down for a bit and yet again had to find a porta potty immediately. Then I found my husband at the family meeting area and again had to use the porta potty. My stomach was still cramping.
mile 1 - 8:04
Mile 2 - 7:51
Mile 3 - 7:36
Mile 4 - 7:37
Mile 5 - 7:51
Mile 6 - 7:35
Mile 7 - 7:38
Mile 8 - 7:50
Mile 9 - 7:51
Mile 10 - 7:51
Mile 11 - 7:49 - This is where Annie and I split off from each other. We had up to that point hit pretty much every mile right on from her pace band. Sometimes we were a little fast, but pretty close.
Mile 12 - 7:32 - First potty stop
Mile 13 - 7:39
Mile 14 - 7:41 - second potty stop
Mile 15 - 7:44
Mile 16 - 7:34
Mile 17 - 8:03
Mile 18 - 8:13 thrid potty stop
Mile 19 - 7:58 fourth potty stop
Mile 20 - 8:23
Mile 21 - 8:43 fifth potty stop
Mile 22 - 7:53
Mile 23 - 8:27 - This was where I almost threw up and I was desperately looking for a porta potty. Even asked a police officer if I could use the spectator bathroom behind the gate, but was denied. :( Found one and finally felt somewhat better. That would be six!!! Sixth potty stop!!!! ugh ugh ugh
Mile 24 - 7:58
Mile 25 - 7:55
Mile 26 - 7:57
Mile .2 - 1:27
While I can't be too disappointed in my time, (I did requalify for Boston, and my goal time was 3:25 and on my watch I was 3:28) I just knew I could have done better. I had gas left in the tank when I finished and I was just the tiniest bit sore the next few days. I could do stairs no problem and I've never had that after a marathon. So I'm not sure I'm ready to hang up my marathon shorts just yet. :)