I've been meaning to catch up my logs here from my watch, but I haven't.
To summarize my training, it's been less than stellar. Somehow over the winter I developed some high hamstring pain that prevented me from training as much as I'd hoped/as much as I used to do/as much as I need to do to be ready to run a marathon. I eventually got a shot that helped a lot, but I still feel a little tightness that makes me nervous to step up the miles or the pace too much.
My pattern has generally been to run 3 days a week and play basketball 2 days a week. I've also played a litte Ultimate and ridden my bike a few times. I gave up basketball a little over a month ago because I was feeling some ankle pain that I felt was caused or aggravated by playing. Last week I had my ankle x-rayed and they didn't find anything. It hurts badly, but briefly, every once in a while, but hasn't bothered me while running.
So I'm running the Utah Valley marathon again tomorrow. I've run it every year so I'm hoping to keep the streak alive. I believe this is #9. I think I'm in shape to run a sub-2:00 hour downhill half marathon (I ran 13.3 at 9:05-ish), but I don't have enough long runs in to have any hope of holding that pace for 26.2. My long run has been a flat 16 miler at about 10:15 pace. I think taper and carbo loading may get me to 20. I'm counting on mental toughness, years of experience, and race day magic...and maybe walking...to get me to 26.2.
When my wife Karen and my Mom both questioned why I was going to run if I wasn't properly prepared, my answer to each of them was the same. I enjoy being outdoors. I enjoy running. I enjoy walking. I enjoy sharing the experience with the other runners. I enjoy being challenged and enduring well. So far I've always finished. If this is the year I don't finish, I'm okay with that. Worst case scenario: If I drop dead while running, I will have achieved two goals: 1) to die running (hopefully a few decades from now) and 2) to live until I die.
Every race is an adventure. I think I'm mentally and physically (mostly) ready for this next adventure. I'm attending a scout camp next week where I have few responsibilities. It will be a great opportunity to recover mentally, physically, and spiritually.
Life can be very hard at times. Some trials come from our choices. Some trials just come. All trials are an opportunity for learning and growth. Life can also be very good. The trials seem to make the good times seem even better. Some days it seems civilization and civility are crumbling all around us. Hate is strong and mocks the song of peace on earth, good will to men. I'm so grateful for the hope I have in and through the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. He is my joy, and my song. By day and by night, He leads me along.