I tested the ankle this morning when I got up. It felt a little better but after some pondering I decided to skip today's run and rest it one more day. Since Larry is out of town, I called Wayne so he wouldn't drive all the way to our neighborhood to run alone. I told him to plan on me tomorrow unless I call him. I tried to sleep a little more but ended up doing some inspirational reading (Ensign magazine) instead. I was a little surprised to get a text message just after 6:00am. It was from Karen in Delaware, apologizing for missing my call last night. It turns out she was in her sister's hot tub and didn't have her phone nearby. Since I knew she was awake and near her phone I gave her a call. She was surprised I wasn't out running. We had a good long talk. I sure miss her. So do the kids. Karen called back twice later. She and her sister are flying standby on buddy passes. They were planning to come home today (hurray!) but now it's looking more like Thursday morning (nooo!), or maybe Wednesday night (better). Oh well, we'll survive. Karen (like most mothers) works a lot of 24x7 when she's on the clock, and deserves whatever break she can get.