I ran the Orem loop this morning. My left ankle still hurt a little as I got up, but I decided to test it with a run anyway. I figured I could cut the run short if it bothered me too much. It turns out it didn't hurt me at all while running. I ended up not only pushing the pace a little but also extending my run by a mile. It's a high ankle sprain and I guess the position of my ankle while running doesn't impact the injured area.
I ran 7.4 miles in 58:55, an average pace of 7:58/mi. My mile splits were 8:16, 7:55, 7:50, 8:28, 8:12, 8:07, 7:14, and 2:54 for the last 0.4 (7:18/mi). I think I maintained a pretty consistent effort throughout the run, pushing a little harder the last mile or so. I think you can tell which miles were uphill with a headwind. We recently watched "Hello, Dolly!" with our kids and the music from the song "Dancing" kept going through my head this morning..."And one two three, one two three, one two three. Look I'm dancing!" This kept me moving along. Other lyrics include: "Well my heart is about to burst, My head is about to pop, And now that I'm dancing who cares if I ever stop!" and "Whatever you do for gosh shakes keep breathing!" and "One-two-three. One-two-three. One-two. And now that we're dancing, Who cares if we ever stop." It may be a little dated, but this is a high energy song that I may add to my old running song favorites "Theme from Rocky" and "Chariots of Fire".