Larry called and said he wouldn't be able to run in the morning. I probably ended up leaving Kevin to run alone again, but after two runs and a basketball game the day before, my legs were beat. I knew if it was just Kevin and me he would want to push the pace, and I just wasn't up for it. I was feeling a little discomfort in my left knee, right hamstring, and right hip so rather than risk injury I skipped the morning run. I was thinking of getting in a few easy miles at lunchtime, but I ended up working through lunch. I then had to leave work a little early to get my daugther Emily to her ballroom competition at UVSC, and then I had a training meeting for church leaders on how to help people dealing with depression and anxiety. I'm a little depressed about missing my run today, but one of the things I learned was that one of the best treatments for depression is exercise. I'll get out to run tomorrow and everything will be good again.