I started the day by playing church basketball with my 18 and 20 year old sons. I haven't played (except for some Thanksgiving day family ball where I didn't really do much) since my shoulder surgery back in October. I didn't stink (much to my surprise) and actually had a pretty good time. Of course, being short and nearly 50 playing against younger, taller, and more talented players my expectations are never very high.
After the game I still felt like I had enough energy to go for a run. Since I'm going to try run the Painter's half marathon, I thought it might be a good idea to see if I could even run double digit mileage. I ended up running to Provo Canyon and up to the first fountain, the one they keep running all the time. I ended up running 10 miles, but not very fast. I actually tried to push the pace just a little at times but my thighs didn't like the idea very much. I don't know if it was because of having just played basketball, the cold temperature, or lost fitness...most likely a combination of the three. I have no idea what to expect from myself at Painter's. I think I'll just go out at what feels like half marathon pace effort and see how long I can last. I'm confident Tom will be well rested by the time I reach the finish line. The way his wife Kim has been improving, she may also be there with him cheering me in. It's all good. My plan is to enjoy the trip with Karen and have fun with some of my good running buddies. There's more to life than PRs and placing...he says sincerely, but with a hint of disappointment.