As I sit to write this Race Report I'm having a little trouble, not because I'm disappointed but because I feel the whole race was so predictable. Since the Cowtown Marathon about eight weeks ago I just haven’t seemed to be able to get in the groove…where I felt comfortable. For about four of those weeks I had a slight strain in my hip that kept me from really working on a consistent training schedule so during that time I just ran what I could and it wasn’t very fast or very long. I really thought, even with the inconsistent training, I would be able to bust the 3:30 mark. Oh well…It’s all for fun and this just gives me another reason runs some more and on top of that it’s really not that important in the scheme of “Important Thingsâ€!
This memorial race reminded me of some of those important things. As I walked by the Empty Chair Memorial ( I noticed hanging on a chain link fence pictures, trinkets, photos and notes left in memory of those who died. It was a little eerie looking across the Memorial early in the morning, while it was still dark. Most people were laughing, having a good time and preparing for the race. I know this race means a whole lot more to those who lost loved ones than those selfish ones, like me, just there to run and worry about a BQ.
Throughout the race I was reminded of the real intent of the race. I saw several people holding up signs in memory of those lost and encouraging those who were running for them. Some runners had signs on their backs that said “I’m running in memory of ….â€. I passed one old guy who was in great labor and pain with one of these signs on his back and the reality really set in. I ran by many, many fire fighters, wearing their full gear, who were walking the marathon in remembrance. I ran past a military guy carrying 168 pounds and in full military gear in remembrance of the 168 people killed in the bombing. He was walking the entire 26.2 mile marathon. What’s important..?
Oh…back to the race report… My plan was to start out at about an 8:00 pace for the first five miles and then drop 5 additional seconds at 10,15,20,25.
Oklahoma City Marathon |
4/29/2012 |
Mile |
Time |
HR |
HR % |
1 |
7:46:00 |
143 |
74% |
2 |
7:53:00 |
156 |
83% |
3 |
7:59:00 |
154 |
82% |
4 |
7:54:00 |
153 |
81% |
5 |
8:01:00 |
153 |
81% |
7:54:36 |
6 |
8:01:00 |
152 |
80% |
7 |
8:00:00 |
156 |
83% |
8 |
7:45:00 |
156 |
83% |
9 |
7:54:00 |
158 |
85% |
10 |
7:50:00 |
160 |
86% |
7:54:00 |
11 |
7:49:00 |
162 |
87% |
12 |
7:47:00 |
161 |
87% |
13 |
7:52:00 |
161 |
87% |
14 |
7:54:00 |
161 |
87% |
15 |
7:50:00 |
162 |
87% |
7:50:24 |
16 |
7:54:00 |
162 |
87% |
17 |
7:46:00 |
164 |
89% |
18 |
7:44:00 |
166 |
90% |
19 |
7:56:00 |
166 |
90% |
20 |
8:01:00 |
162 |
87% |
7:52:12 |
21 |
8:09:00 |
165 |
89% |
22 |
8:36:00 |
165 |
89% |
23 |
8:23:00 |
167 |
91% |
24 |
8:18:00 |
171 |
93% |
25 |
8:22:00 |
170 |
93% |
8:21:36 |
26 |
8:34:00 |
174 |
95% |
26.2 |
2:55:00 |
175 |
96% |
Total |
210:53:00 |
161 |
86% |
Pace |
8:02:56 |
I felt really slow running at the 8:00 pace at the start. Everyone was blowing past me like I was standing still (I did pass most of them after about 10 miles though). I was already sweating before I even started to run and by the 2nd mile I had sweat just pouring off of me. Looking at it now I guess I’m not really surprised my HR jumped up so quickly. I should have been able to run the first 10 with every mile being less than 150 HR at this pace.
I tried to avoid the official “pacers†in this race so I started out just slightly ahead of the 3:30 Pacer and his group. I was feeling pretty good where I was until about mile 5 where the 3:30’s caught up and passed me. I said “how much ahead of pace are you guysâ€, they said “were right on paceâ€. My Garmin said I was 25 seconds ahead so I just kept on running an let them move out ahead of me. They seemed to slow down a mile or so ahead and I caught back up and ran with them until mile 10. At this point I just couldn’t take all of the jabbering and I felt I needed to drop down about 5 seconds so I slowly started to move out. I remember thinking…â€I just need to stay in front of these guys and I’ll break the 3:30 goalâ€. I ran on from 11 to 15 feeling fair (not great) but was still convinced I could achieve my goal. Mile 16-20 I began thinking that I wouldn’t drop any more and just keep at the same pace, since, I was in front of the 3:30 pace group and, I wasn’t feeling that strong. At mile 21 I felt myself fading and by mile 22 I though “what happened to my legs, they feel really heavyâ€. I slowed for a while hoping they would come back but they just got worse. At mile 24, here came the 3:30 pacers again! I then thought, “if I can just stick with them and give a big kick at the end, I’ll have my BQâ€. Well, I stuck with them for about ¾ of a mile and then I just couldn’t hold the pace any more and had to slow down again. I kinda wanted to just stop right about then. Mile 26 was painful but I went ahead and kicked as hard as I could after the 26 lap time beeped on my watch. My watch registered 26.4 miles so I actually kicked the last .4 miles (according to my watch) for the time of 2:55.
All I can do now is chalk this race up to experience and go back to the drawing board regarding race training and goals. It’s a good thing I do this just for fun as it could get me very aggravated if I took it too seriously J |