Cross Training day in the Gym. I didn't want to lift weights today so I did an extra 30 minutes of aerobic (bike and elliptical).
Bike 5 Miles @ 20 mph, Elliptical 2 Miles @ 8:15 , Bike 5 Miles @ 20 mph, Elliptical 2 Miles @ 8:15, Bike 5 Miles @ 20 mph, Elliptical 1 Mile @ 8:15.
Total: 15 Miles Bike & 5 Miles Elliptical (No breaks in between)
I was still a little tired yesterday from my 20 miler on Saturday but looking back I think my main mistake was going out too fast at the start allowing my HR to jump too high. I also lost/dropped my two Gu packs during the run and had nothing but my water and Gatorade. I probably needed an energy boost near the end.
Matthew 28:18
18 Jesus came and said to them, “All power has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.