Back from Las Vegas with just a little money in my pocket. I won a "Fast Time" in one Roatation which paid $ 3,000 ($ 6,000 for the team). This got a lot of my entry fees back so I'm happy to win this. Had one mishap that kept me from making it into the big finals. I slipped a horn on one steer to keep us from being high call back in the big finals. Now it's time to start a new year and qualify again for next year's finals. They are just too good to miss.
Now to running:
I wasn't feeling to good this morning so I decided to only run 10 miles. I seemed to have a cold or sinus infection that is really dragging me down.
12/16/2012 |
Mile |
Time |
HR |
HR % |
1 |
7:44:00 |
135 |
69% |
2 |
7:53:00 |
149 |
78% |
3 |
7:46:00 |
148 |
78% |
4 |
8:22:00 |
153 |
81% |
5 |
7:47:00 |
149 |
78% |
6 |
8:00:00 |
148 |
78% |
7 |
7:47:00 |
153 |
81% |
8 |
7:51:00 |
159 |
85% |
9 |
7:24:00 |
158 |
85% |
10 |
7:22:00 |
163 |
88% |
| |
| |
| |
Total |
77:56:00 |
152 |
80% |
Pace |
7:47:36 |
Where Run - Big Loop |
Weather - 61 degrees, light rain. |
Target: Long Run - 18 miles @ 8:11
Note: I was really tired from the trip from Las Vegas and I have a cold or sinus infection. Running short on time so I didn't attempte an 18 mile run.
Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. |