Easy miles, at 8:24 avg pace, a slight break in the heat, but about 1000% humidity.
Cannot get enough of the Pure Cadence. I feel like a natural midfoot striker in them! Shin 99.9% not there; felt a slight twinge running on a cambered part of the path. I was going to stick to a conservative mileage plan for this marathon (beginning at 30 miles and peaking at 55 miles), but Im feeling really good, and might add an additional run to make it 5 runs per week. So maybe starting at 40 and peaking at something more like 60-65. For NJ I was doing 5 runs, beginning at 40 miles and peaking at around 55, plus 2 hard workouts per week. Advanced Marathoning - unlike Hansons which I was doing before - incorporates tempos into the long runs, and generally spreads the workouts further apart to give room for long runs. I think with my workouts spread out further apart I can probably handle a little more mileage (work-willing).