Ran from my work to the gym during the lunch hour. I made a diversion to the paved River Trail on the way and did an out-and-back on the Golden Mile. Splits were 6:15 both ways, so 6:52/mile pace. Felt easy, which I was pleased with. Lifted weights for awhile, then ran back. I was planning on doing elliptical too, but I didn't have any shorts, so I will put that off until tomorrow. I weighed in at 136 today, so minimal Thanksgiving weight gain. I have to start watching my right knee. Although there is no pain, it feels a little weak and displaying similar symptons to the beginnings of patellofemoral pain syndrome, which I've had twice before. I just ignored the pain in the past, but would like to address it and snuff it out before it begins this time around, if that's indeed what I'm feeling. I did some extra stretching today, and also some leg extensions and press to work on strengthening the quads more. This came around just today, so it may be a result of the longer trail run (with associated downhill stretches) yesterday, but hopefully it will go away just as fast. I'm overly paranoid about injuries now, so it may be nothing, but in anycase at least I know how to recognize and treat it. |