Biked to gym in morning, and did 10 minutes elliptical, 10 minutes stair stepper, and 10 minutes walking at 10% incline on treadmill. The latter two exercises more for strengthening my groin than cardio. Did some stretching and weight-lifting too. I've cut back my formal PT sessions at the hospital to once a week. All they did was have me do exercises that I could do on my own in the gym, so I didn't see the point of paying for something I can do for free. I came out of my massage yesterday pretty good. I'm now walking completely normal, my shoulder has much better range of motion (which lets me lift weights again), and my groin is getting better every day (which lets me ease into core exercises again). I'm going to try to get back into a more consistent cross-training and lifting routine to prepare myself for running by the end of August. As long as my foot stays stable and my groin continues to improve at it's current rate, I think I may be able to start running slow again in several weeks. Technically I could probably start running now, but I don't want another setback, but instead want to strengthen all my muscles first. The season is shot, so there's no real rush to run by a certain date. |