Big zero for today. Around 7PM last night I was just sitting there, feeling perfectly fine, and then within an hour I was sick with the beginnings of a cold. Today I have a sore throat, congestion, and general lethargy. I have definitely felt worse, just a garden-variety cold, but I put myself in self-quarantine and stayed home today. In a small office like ours, there no need to risk getting everyone else sick, especially when I can remote-desktop to anywhere on our network and get work done if the need arises (I had to do this for a couple hours today). It's been a good day of rest, and also got a lot of work done on the FRB running resumes.
I thought about going for a run earlier on, but then emailed Coach Tinman, who told me just to rest until I am healthy again. Loss of fitness at the muscle level and of blood volume doesn't start for several days, he says. Therefore, I am better off just resting and getting healthy faster, and not risking prolonging the illness. On that note, it's so good to have a coach in my corner now so that I don't have to make these decisions myself. Before, I would probably be out running right now, out of obsessive-compulsive guilt, and doing my body more harm than good. But now I have someone I can trust just telling me what to do, and it takes a lot of weight off my shoulders so that I can focus on the actual running, and on other things. So no 100-mile week for me this week, but it's just a number, right?