Morning run, Temp 35'
I like my lunch time runs when the sun is out but this week I won't be able to do that due to work. So today I got up early and did a morning run that had a 2 mile tempo run in it. The run started out ok except it was dark and cold but it got worse as I tried to do the farmers blow and got a bloody nose. I need to get a humidifyer at home.
Anyway after a couple of miles I started the tempo run and was hoping that each mile would be just under 6 minutes. The first mile was in 6:10. I think the bloody nose and haveing to breath out through my mouth and in through my nose and mouth bothered by consentration so I buckled down and decided I didn't care if I had problems I was going to get under 6 minutes on the second mile. I got a 5:55. Yahoo!
Time 42:45, Mile avg. - 7:08 |