Great start to my fit resolution! :-) Met Lisa at the gym this morning (I joined!), we were too late for the first class we planned on so did the elliptical for 40 minutes then some weights. Then did the hour Zumba class (uhhh, I'm NOT coordinated, so I mostly focused on getting a workout instead of learning the moves and so I just jumped around and thrashed my arms about. It was probably VERY VERY hilarious to watch! My calves were really tired by the end). In the evening went back with Justin and swam for 15 minutes (until the pool closed) which was 12 laps (600 yards). My arms were tired, I need to swim! Did the elliptical for 5 more minutes and some weights until the gym closed. Then made some hamburgers in preparation for the ultimate hamburger challenge! :-) Finally walked 1.5 miles on the TM in the FF.
Back to the grindstone tomorrow... winter quarter starts.