And I'm back. Almost two full weeks of no running. Nothing was hurt from the marathon, in fact I could have been back out the Tuesday following, but I decided a physical and mental break would be healthy. I rode my bike a few times, took some walks, but other than that off my feet. Didn't really even think about running much. I started to itch this week though, and headed down to meet the Slugs this morning. Good to be back, even though I was pretty sluggish. I ran alone for 1.5 or so, then ran into some other guys headed back on the route. I joined them and stepped up the pace (we ran a 7:05 mile), then went to breakfast. I ran about 3, more or less. 25 minutes. I'll slowly work back into a routine now on the treadmill. There's a Turkey Trot 5k in two weeks I'll do with the club (need to defend my raffle win of a frozen turkey from last year), then I plan to keep the mileage easy through the end of the year. No more races until Nookachamps in January, at least I don't think so. Although it's not the end of the year, it kind of feels like the end of the running season. So I compared 2008 to 2007. I improved considerably on my mileage and quality of running, and was able to run some times I'm proud of. I've already run 350 more miles at this point than all of 2007 (1,143 to 793), and had seven months of over 100 miles, compared to just one in 2007. I feel good about that, and encouraged to build on that standard in 2009.
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