Last night I'm standing in the grass and my left knee started irritating me. Right on the little bump at the outside of the knee, where a tendon from the lower leg connects. Not a real serious pain, but an annoying little thing that came out of nowhere. Didn't feel it at all in the a.m., but there it was all of a sudden. I jogged a bit and nothing hurt then, but anytime I was standing (or later sitting in the car) it would get painful. This morning I felt it as soon as I woke up. I went out and got through three miles; nothing feels wrong structurally but it's a nagging pain that hangs around. After 2.5 I decided to call it quits and come back to ice. So a three-mile run, 23:23. We'll see what sitting at work today brings and hopefully this goes away soon. supernova red -- 54