I'm bound and determined to have a good consistent week of running, whatever work and my schedule throws at me (which is a trip to LA Thursday night, meaning I'll be distracted all weekend). So I was glad Mike wanted to get a good start on the week and head out early this sunny morning (plus, it's supposed to rain the rest of the week). (Well, except in LA.) We met up at Evergreen-Rotary Park, which is about 1.5 from each of our houses. From there up the Warren Ave. bridge, then down and around Lions Park. Back on Old Wheaton Way to the Manette Bridge, crossed and back to the park. We split up there, and I went back over the Manette Bridge (third time, for anyone counting) and home. Easy start but, like we do when not paying attention, ended up at a good clip near 7/min miles. Felt good, though I had to rush to get to church and didn't stretch much. So my hamstrings were kind of tight at softball tonight, but jogging around in the outfield helped. We lost the softball game, and let's just say I didn't waste much energy running around the bases. 58:00 supernova glide -- 121