After-work run, finally taking advantage of the daylight savings time. Really cold day (for here, at least -- 40s and people complain), but the sun was out and by evening it was pretty pleasant. I went looking for some hills, not quite a 'hill workout' but a good prep for that. I did the Illahee State Park loop, which has a few good hills going out and back. I added a few side trip hills (easy to find once you're back in Manette) and came down through the neighborhood. I didn't try to make the hills a workout, but I tried to get some tempo going up each one, probably about a Tinman pace. Felt pretty good, I still feel good about my fitness, though we'll see what it's like when I start more up-tempo work. But legs are in good shape. This weekend I'm planning at least a 5k workout in a St. Patty's race. 44:48. supernova red -- 338