Ran in snow. Temp 35. Light wind. Yea! I haven't been here for awhile. Not sure how long I will stay. My running didn't stop. Just the recording. The last 2 years have not been easy. But I came out on the other side and I learned a lot along the way. I learned to look at life differently. Things I will never take for granted again: My relationship with Jesus Christ. He pulled me through and continues to walk with me and I will not be silent about all He has done in my life, and all I have been blessed with. Because of Him I will see those we have said good by to again. My running is a true gift from God and every day I can be out on the road or even the treadmill is a good day. My family. An amazing husband of 30 years, 3 awesome kids and 2 beautiful grand kids and another on the way. :) |