To do something fun and exciting I brought my running clothes and shoes to work and ran home from work today. The route is 1/2 heavy traffic surface streets and 1/2 quiet residential streets so it's ok. Luckily the whole route has a sidewalk. It was pretty good and the longest run I've done in a while. Surprisingly, I ran faster than I though I was going to. I had no real idea of what pace I'm capable of right now so I just ran at an 7-8 effort level. I ended up getting home in 43:20 which came out to a 7:45 min/mile pace!! I was expecting 8:15ish so this is wonderful. This puts me in great position of hitting my goal for the Turkey Trot 8k of 35 minutes with 3+ weeks of training. Side note: I was under 190 pounds this morning. Lost 20 pounds since mid-May! Only 30 to go.