Ran 6 miles with Ralphie outside @ 7:50 pace. I think Spring is finally here for good in Western NY! Shin is still a little sore and I iced it as a preventative measure. Sometimes, especially when tired, I really let the pace drag. I should be running about 20 sec/mile faster, I gotta keep up on that. It's about time that I get new shoes. I usually change at about 300 miles. I know it's probably overzealous but I like to change early, especially since I'm fatter right now, to avoid potentially injury. I've ran in the 20xx series for about the last 8 years. I have not really tried any other brands so I was thinking about branching out, but not sure what to try. I run 30-60miles a week and I'm 5-7 and about 175 pounds (hope to get down to 160). I have pretty normal arches but do overpronate quite a bit. Any suggestions would be hot!