11 hours. Hows THAT for sleep? For some reason I felt super tired today so I slept in, took a morning nap when Ali did and took another afternoon nap when Ali did. The closest thing to physical activity today was mowing the lawn this morning, but since my lawn only takes me about 12 minutes to mow, it was barely even a warm up. Actually I think it helped me loosen up my back. I had this kink in my upper back muscle next to my spine and I couldn't seem to release it by pushing it to death, but now 4 Motrins and two naps later, its finally feeling a bit better. I also had a rough headache this morning when I woke up, but the naps have diminished that too. I think my body is probably fighting something because my kids and husband have all shared this nasty cold and my husband is still trying to kick his. I hope I don't get it too. I'm certainly sleeping enough to expect that I can avoid it.