14 miles in 7:33 pace Out and back on Big Dry Creek. I'm not sure why they call it that because it is by no means dry. Millions of gallons of water coming out of Standley Lake flowing down a lush river. Not dry. We had a sitter watch the kids this morning so Aaron give community service. If any of you read his story a couple of months ago about running away from the Park Rangers in the Eagle habitat near our house, I just want to clarify that the moral of that story is to NOT run away from people of authority. And if you do decide to do it, BY ALL MEANS, DO NOT go bragging about it on your website. He posted his "funny" story in three different places (FRB, aaronkennard.com, and some ultra-runner's list). Some people on the Ultra list didn't think it was very funny in fact they expressed to him that it was downright selfish (which it was) and then they turned him in to the City of Westminster Police. He suddenly felt very ashamed of his behavior realizing that what he did could have harmed the endangered Eagles. Then he wrote an apology post and spoke to the Rangers that he out-ran to try and make it right. They took him to court anyway and on Monday he was sentenced to a $300 fine plus 100 hours of community service that has to be completed before Sept. 7th. SO long story short, we will be having a sitter watch our kids every Thursday and Friday morning so he can go do community service from 6-10a.m. and I can still get my run in. So that 1 mile jaunt through the Eagle Habitat cost $800+ and 12 weeks of busy, over-scheduled Thursday and Friday for Aaron. Learn from Aaron's experience and just obey the law.