I Don't Have Time For This . . .

Week starting Aug 10, 2014

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Member Since:

Aug 08, 2014



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Running Accomplishments:

I've been running consistently for almost twenty years. I've done a couple of marathons. 

Short-Term Running Goals:

In 2016: At least 17 miles a week, 67 a month, 800 for the year

Sub 26:00 5K

Sub 55:00 10K

Sub 2:00 half (if I decide to do one this year :)


Long-Term Running Goals:

Run another marathon, maybe. Someday. If I feel like it.


I love my husband and my four children and running lets me spend more time with them!

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
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Night Sleep Time: 27.50Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 27.50
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Well, last week was the worst running week I've had in about two and a half months. Not only did the panic episode slow me down, but I woke up Friday with a burning pain in the ball of my foot (outside edge - fifth metatarsal head if you want specifics). It's been coming on all summer, ever since I got that great new pair of Crocs sandals that are so comfortable. I knew on the second day of wearing them they were going to cause problems. But they felt good and they were easy to slip on and I've worn them almost every day. 

Most of my injuries have multiple causes and in this case it's a combination of running and non-running factors: the wrong sandals, combined with tightness in my achilles, caused by lack of sleep over a long period of time and the gradual disappearance of my yoga and strength training regimen. I worried briefly about a stress fracture, but I really don't think you can get a stress fracture on 20 miles a week, can you? Besides, I have similar but milder symptoms in the left foot as well. I think the right is just worse because I do so much running on the lovely left shoulder of the road. 

So - solution time. I've been icing twice daily since Friday. It helps. A lot. I will keep doing it.  I've reinstituted my cross training. I think I've figured out a time of day when I can do it consistently - I'll stick with it. I did an easy run today and it didn't seem to make anything worse, so I'll stick with it as long as things don't get worse. I'm really trying to get more sleep. I was hoping for 7.5 last night - I got a little closer. I'll keep trying. Maybe someday I'll discover what it feels like to function on a solid 8 hours. I'm looking forward to it. And finally - I've ditched the sandals. I'm having a hard time finding another comfortable pair of sandals in my closet. This may require a trip to the shoe store :) 

Night Sleep Time: 6.75Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 6.75
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You see that number in the night time sleep box? Seven! That's right, I got SEVEN full hours of sleep last night. Of course that means I had a terrible time getting up this morning. But hey, I think it's a feat that is definitely worth repeating. 

Only 2 today, but that's how Tuesday goes. The good news is that my Foot Injury Recovery Plan seems to be working. Even though I ran yesterday, the burning pain is decreasing and I can now wiggle my toes without significant pain. The bad news is my foot actually bothered me on my run, and it normally doesn't. I'm choosing to ignore that fact. 

Night Sleep Time: 7.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 7.00
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Had a few little bits of knobbly foot pain, but it's getting better every day. In the last few weeks my cross country running sons have been dealing with their own injuries - everything from High-Mileage Zero-Drop Shoes Achilles Tendontitis(opathy) to I'm-New-At-This-And-I've-Got-IT-Achilles-Shin-Band-Plantar-Splints-Fascitis. I know, sounds serious. I was going to write down a list of suggestions for them based on many years of self treating my own overuse running injuries, but I know it will eventually fall off the fridge one day when someone opens the door with a little too much gusto, and then it will end up in the garbage. So - I'm going to put it here, where I can come back and find it again. 


*notice all the qualifiers in that title - I'm no expert, just experienced


     -Take care of your body: Sleep Well (8 hours!), Eat Well (More fruits and vegetables, less sugar and fewer processed foods), Drink Well (Water - lots)

     -Back off: This doesn't necessarily mean stop running. My general rule is: if pain increases during a run, you should probably take some time off (and search out more expert advice than my little list). Otherwise, for a few days simply slow down, skip the hills, and drop the mileage.

      -RICE it: That is - Really ICE it. Two to three times a day for 15-20 minutes. Faithfully. For at least a week. Or two. Just don't give yourself frostbite (it can happen).

      -Massage: Most running injuries are caused, or at least exacerbated, by tightness, usually in the glutes, hamstrings, calves, and that wonderful IT band (my personal nemesis). A stategically applied foam roller can work miracles on loosening up those tight spots and alleviating discomfort. I actually use a full #10 can on carpet (food storage to the rescue!). It works, and it's cheaper. "How to" instructions and videos are available on the web in abundance.

       -KT Tape: There are some scientifically-based and thoroughly-researched reasons for taping up an injury. Something to do with compression and circulation and such. It's a good idea, it feels pretty good, and the eye-catching colors will insure that the whole world knows you are injured and shouldn't be expected to run at your peak. It's relatively cheap, can be found at Walmart and applied by anyone (with a little help from Youtube). 


      -Shoes: YEA!! This is the best part. Many experts agree that when you get injured, you should start by examining your shoes. Are they too old? Too small? Too flat? Too narrow? The wrong color? Runners are more shoe obsessed than almost any other sub-category of the human species. There is a good reason for this - it matters! See your local specialty running shoe store for expert advice. They will tell you to consider rotating multiple pairs of shoes to keep from hammering the same spots every day. This is a good idea, and it helps them sell more shoes and stay in business. Win-win. Also - if your injury is foot related, take a good look at your every day shoes. Sometimes it's the shoes you're wearing for eight hours a day that are the culprit.

     -Cross Train: I know, I know. Runners just want to run. I get that. Unfortunately, I've never been strong enough to just run without injury. Maybe if I'd been taught proper form from the very beginning I could do it, but a lot of us novices need a little extra help. The bottom line is all that working a few of those opposing muscles can help prevent injury in the first place as well as speed recovery. Here are a few specific ideas:

                        Plantar Fascitis - when you sit down to watch a show, or read, or do homework etc... dump a bucket of marbles (or other small object) on the carpet. Pick up the marbles with your toes and drop them back in the bucket. This exercise and the next one may also help with shin splints.

                        Achilles Tendonitis - ECCENTRICS!  Heel drops, or calf raises, or whatever you want to call them. They are amazing. Google them. Do them consistently and do them well. Problem solved.

                        IT Band Syndrome - I'm so sorry. It's really best to keep this one from getting out of control. Once the inflammation has decreased (see note below), lunges and squats are the answer. Bike riding could also help. Be careful though, if you're still tight these exercises could also make things worse. You'll know if you feel that special ache coming on. Single leg squats are probably a better option at first. The idea is to strenghten your quads. 

                          *Note - A lot of injuries will allow you treat both the symptoms and the cause simultaneously. With some, however, it is best to wait for pain to subside before treating the issues that caused it (IT band pain is an example)

This list is by no means comprehensive, and it focuses mainly on the issues we've dealt with in our home, and I'm sure I'll be back to revise and edit it often. Here's to a healthy season!


Night Sleep Time: 6.75Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 6.75
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A beautiful run around the reservoir this morning. I thought about taking a break and sticking my feet in the cold water for a few minutes, but I was feeling good so I just headed home. I owned the big hill - at a nice, solid, tortoise-like pace. But I owned it none-the-less. My foot is feeling good enough to try try a long one tomorrow. Yea!!

Night Sleep Time: 7.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 7.00
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Night Sleep Time: 27.50Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 27.50
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