Have I mentioned I love this time of year? The sunflowers are blooming which means it's time to run the east bench trail. Yea! Yoga this morning followed by an easy two miles. My foot started bothering me after 1.5. Probably shouldn't have worn the green shoes, but I'm tired of wearing the blue ones. Definitely time to look into new shoes. Maybe I should actually pay attention to what I have. The green ones are Brooks Pure something-or-other. I've had them for a couple of years, but not used them very much. The blue ones I've had for a year and I wear them most of the time, but I seriously don't know the brand. Saucony, I think? That's pathetic - without even looking my son could tell me the brand, weight, drop and all the pros and cons. I'd better take him shoe shopping with me. If I ever actually go do it.