AM: 8k easy PM: went to Marilyn's clinic at 2pm, then track workout at 3:30pm. Felt a little off, but short stuff so no super big threat of failure. 24 x 400m, at 80 for regular ones, 75 for hammers, split into three sets of 8, so within the set we went off every 2:30, so just over a minute rest, and between sets jogged a 400m Here is an IQ test--guess my hammer position (there are four positions): Set one: 81,74,79,81,80,75,80,81, 3:39 rest between Set two: 80,74, 79,80,79,73,80,79, 3:58 rest between Set three: 79,73,78,80,77,69,79,71 (coach told me I couldn't go slow on the last one) On the 69 a group of middle distance youngsters joined and I tagged along with them. It was windy so it was great to have someone to draft off and to pull me. At night did core workout