AM: 40 min easy run before big workout at night. 8.19k in 40 min, 4:53 ave pace. Pain not there until 5k, and it gradually increased to a 3-4 by the end, worse than Wed, not as bad as Tuesday night. Unlike Tuesday, though, the pain stayed with me when walking for about 10-15 minutes after my run. Send an urgent email to my coach who counsels me to not run, but take it to the pool until I get some answers from the doc, got a 12noon appt for tomorrow. I am not sure if I'll have any answers by then, though, which is so frustrating. Since the appt is noon and many docs work a half day on Saturday, though, I might have time for further testing before the weekend. I am supposed to be running a 15k this weekend, but it is hilly, so I am guessing even if this issue evaporates (and how would I know it has if I am not running on it?), a hilly race will not be advisable. Best case is a 15k tempo this weekend.
I have had some tears today but am trying not to freak out prematurely. This Yokohama race is my last chance, my last last chance.
PM: workout in the pool. Heinous. workout was 3-4x2 miles at HM pace with 2 min rest, so basically in the pool I did 4x12-12:20 intervals with 2 min rest, going as fast as I could sustain, huffing and puffing. Got a bad charlie horse in the third one and modified my stride to a wider circle to prevent other ones. It was hard to keep focused on the fourth one, and I felt tense in the third and fourth ones. Probably not best to go from zero pool quality minutes to 48 quality minutes, but what can I do? 1:30 of pool running with rest and warm up/cool down. Will go do 20 min elliptical to finish the day (want to ramp up usage more responsibly on this front). Oh my. |