Can you say crappy workout? Well, I was pretty disappointed with my Yasso attempt today. Was supposed to do 8-10 Yasso's, targeting 2:45 since McMillan says you actually need to add five to the formula (so 2:45 predicts 2:50). I had the runs before and after the workout. Didn't think much of it then (didn't go to the bathroom during the workout, a small victory). After 3.5 mile warm up, stretching and a few strides, I was ready to start. It was dark, and I fumbled with my watch and didn't even get the times on the first two intervals (couldn't see watch to get splits, and generally failed in attempts to turn on light and see the time and know the time from the prior 200m, etc). Based off the other intervals I can guess the first one was about 2:47 and the second was about 2:49. If you don't push the lap button just "so" on this new garmin, it doesn't go, so I was pushing it 3-4 times before it would record. I was already upset and frustrated. I decided to not rely on the lap button but to make sure I got the light on for splits and for the time from then on. Worked reasonably ok. #3-2:45, #4 2:43 (felt too hard), #5 2:47 (I am not feeling the love), #6 2:48ish (didn't get split) decided at this point I was only going to do 8. #7 2:49, so hard! #8 2:51 -lame!
I went to work and didn't have bathroom problems there, but developed a sore throat. I did a 5 mile run this afternoon which started up the waterworks down there. I've been diaheretic ever since, quite dehydrated now. It's like post traumatic stress syndrome for the bowels. It makes me feel better about my workout this morning. I felt so out of the groove, and this must be why. Also, I haven't done any true interval workout since April, so the speed this morning just felt foreign. I hope I get a chance to do this workout again in a month so I can get revenge. I am supposed to do abs this evening but I am thinking to just chill with a water bottle.