Bad stressy sleep. Paul is out of town. AM: Met Ali in SF riverbottoms for 6x1000 and then 4x400. I borrowed a measuring wheel from Jamie, but it was early morning and I couldn't see the thing so I couldn't figure out how to lengthen the handle, so I walked with a crooked back trying to measure the road. The measurements didn't make sense to me at all, but I figured it out later that it was measuring feet, so kind of hard to translate to meters. I picked landmarks in the end, then measured them again after the run after I was awake enough to calculate 440yds=1320 ft, 880yds=2640, 1000m approx = 880 + 220 =1100yds, 3300 ft. These measurements on the road were shorter than what we ran, but close, so we actually ran a bit longer. 1 - 3:27, slight uphill (Ali 3:45), rest 3:25 2 - 3:26, slight downhill (Ali 3:45), rest 3:24 3 - 3:27, kept switching directions so up again, (Ali 3:53), rest 3:30 4 - 3:24, rest 3:34 5 - 3:28, rest 3:24 6 - 3:29, rest 4:35 then started 400's 1 - 76, slight uphill (Ali 85), .25 rest
2 - 75, slight downhill (Ali 85) .25 rest 3 - 77, slight uphill (Ali 85) .25 rest 4 - 73, Ali hung tighter on this one and got a 77 I am generally happy with the workout. I did start to fade on the 1000's a bit, but not too bad. It's so much harder to do a workout without Sasha or Jeff pacing, but this is exactly what I need, to learn to be tough all by my lonesome. I ran over 3 miles after cool down. Thanks Ali for coming out and doing speed with me! PM: I went to Josse's and she worked out my right hamstring. It's been bugging me for about a week now. There was a big hard knot she worked on. It hurt so bad! I ran 4.25 miles on the treadmill at an easy pace (between 8:40 and 8:00). I will do abs later tonight.