Good workout today. Plan is 3x 2 miles @ tempo interval pace (based off 37:30 10k that calcs at 6:02-6:14 pace, but I think I can do better than that for a 10k now, so I wanted 6:00-6:08), 4 min rest, then 3x 200m, 200m rest (34-37 sec). Met Mack, 3 mile warm up (25:41), stretching. She did some 800m while I did the workout before she had to take off. I did the 2 mile bits on a valley road. The valley is convex, so first mile was always slight downhill, and second always a slight uphill. First set 12:12 (6:08, 6:04) 4:01 rest (.33 mile), second set 12:14 (6:05, 6:08) in the second mile was too slow the first half, had to make it up in the second half, squeaked out the 6:08, 4:26 rest (.38) because I couldn't get the dang watch to lap, third set 12:13 (6:04, 6:09), had to surge uphill the last 1/4 mile to get that last mile sub 6:10, barely made it. Jogged to the track 5:21 min, then did 200m. 35, 35, 34 wanted to go harder on last one and did, had unnatural wheezing sound coming from me. It was a low 34, too. Just a little harder and I would have been 33. Something to shoot for next time. 1.9 miles cool down, then picked up two bags of ice. Got the tub colder than usual -- 47 F and did 15 full minutes in it. PM: 5 mile TM run in 37 min, then core in the evening