AM: 5.81k at 5:11/k pace PM: 6k warm up, then was going for 4 x 2000m @ 10k pace. Normal heat/humidity. First 2k was 7:20, one lap rest (3:15), 2nd 2k was 7:18 (5:11 rest, not sure why longer), one the third rep I started to slow on the second lap, and when I came in at 3:04 at the 800m I stopped, that would not have been worth continuing. So I decide to try to do 3 more 1k reps. The heat was getting to me. (3:47 rest). 1k - 3:41, I was doing just fine then that nasty right side cramp came with a vengeance in the last lap, that last lap was me crying through it. So I took a long rest (6:19) to try to get rid of it. 1k - 3:42, The cramp came with 500m to go (earlier than last rep) but not so forcefully and I tried to work through it, breathing, relaxing, perhaps this will be my track workout norm in the heat and I need to deal with it (5:23 rest) 1k - 3:35, The cramp came with 600m to go but I tried to stay relaxed and ignore it and post at least one good 1k and that was it. So this was rather a pathetic track workout overall, but I didn't give up and it is worth the battle, right?