making a comeback!

Week starting Aug 05, 2007

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Member Since:

May 21, 2007



Goal Type:

Recover From Injury

Running Accomplishments:

Did a half a few years ago, unsure of my time but nothing to write home about. I trained about 6 months and then took about 2yrs. off. Started running again this year but have never done anything serious.

Short-Term Running Goals:

keep running, stay fit and healthy, while having fun. Would like to get my mileage up to 25 miles a week and plan some short races when I get confident with my speed.

Long-Term Running Goals:

Get my mileage back up and run pain free!

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I got out a little earlier than usual and that sure seemed to make a difference! Even though it wasn't a whole lot cooler, I guess every little bit helps. I wasn't as tired and once I seemed to get going it felt pretty good! I might try getting up early and getting a few more long runs in this week. But that will probably be later this week as I have two night shifts tonight and tomorrow.

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I went out after I got home from work around 6:30 a.m.  I put on a t-shirt and shorts and when I stepped out of the garage I actually was cold for a second.  I knew it wouldn't take long to warm up but it's crazy how one day it's humid and killer heat and the next day the leaves have fallen off the trees and you have a jacket on... I love summer and can't stand that even though were a ways off it's slightly changing!  My run didn't last very long got tired easy and was past ready to be to bed!  My hip is starting to hurt again, I'm so bummed about it.  I'm still pretty sure it's the bursitis and am not sure why my injection didn't last a little longer.  If anyone has any suggestions about stretching, miracle cures, would be greatly welcomed!

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couldn't make myself go this morning after work so I got out around 8:30 in the evening. Pretty good run but still to soon after dinner.

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Well.... I Got up and decided to do a 6 mile total out and back. But I hate out and backs very boring, so when I got to the 3 mile mark I thought about an alternate road just up the road that would take me in a loop, tack on a couple of extra miles which was good because I wanted around 8 rather than 6 miles. Well as things went along I could tell it was going to be a little more than 6, 8, who knew for sure. I was actually feeling pretty good and decided to let go of any thought of times and just run. And things were going along really well. That was untill I decided that I was verrrrryy thirsty and no water in sight. I was out on a lonngg dusty road and about 8 miles into my run. I managed to make it into town and get to a gas station and get some water and was at 9.8 miles and decided I was done. I would just call home and have them come and get me. " Just last night my husband was saying we have four cell phones in this house do we still need a land line?" After trying three of the five various numbers I realized I would be running home. So after about a 4 minute water break I was off. After another .6 miles I decided my hip hurt to much to keep running, and I started to walk. After another 2 blocks of walking I decided that it hurt just as much to walk as it did to run, and I was taking too long to get home and started running again. All in All not too bad of a run and it forced me to do a long run which I haven't had a chance to do lately. But next time I will be better prepared and have some water and I think that it will go better. Hope that my hip will let me walk/run tomorrow or maybe it will be all for not!

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Got out late this morning could tell that it was a little warmer today than yesterday. Calves a little sore from the long run yesterday but they loosened up quick. Hip still sore and had a hard time finding any rythym to my run so I called it quits after three. Hopefully tomorrow finish off the week with a good run. Have to go to Provo this afternoon and will probabley get home quite late so will have to see?

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got a late start again today. Slept in after our adventures to Provo. (Yes, that is a common theme to my night shift life) We got 2 kids and 1 husbands school shopping done in about 6 hours, that is record time! This morning hip allowed me to run at a natural gate which was good but my body just felt a little zapped of energy. I did have a new high for mileage this week, 31 miles. I hope to maintane or build on this and hope my body will cooperate! Also hoping that tomorrow with a day off will rest and rejuvinate me!

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