So I had a terrible nights sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night (about 12:30) with a terrible headache. I thought I might be dehydrated so I drank a bunch of water... then took some aleve, but still after 21/2 hour of being awake my head still hurt. I finally got to sleep a bit later, then when I woke for work, my head hurt but not to the extent it did in the night. I took off work a bit early because they were selling some excess property and I wanted a desk for my art room. Then when I got home I decided to try a run. My right shin is still a bit touchy so I thought I would do five and take it slow. It felt pretty good and I ended up doing 6 and the last mile felt better then the first!! If I had all the tech gear I would probably have done a negative split, but I can't say for sure. I don't think it's shin splints, when I had them many years ago they hurt when you pushed on your shins, Mine is not like that now, it aches but not nessicarily when you push on it, I don't know what is going on :( 6 miles - 54:03