Ran the parkway... I am really enjoying this weather, so I will probably be doing a version of this run as much as I can before it gets too dark or too cold. It was the first time I had seen any of my regular people on the parkway since my surgery and my return to running of the parkway. I have been down there quite a few times but never seen any of the people that I used to see every night. That is until tonight!! I was so excited to see the little old couple with their middle aged daughter and dog, that I think I scared them I bit. I had reached my turn around point and was stretching my legs a bit... and there they were walking up the path to me. I stopped them and said "it's been so long, it's great to see you again." they all looked at me like I was nuts, but said it was nice to see me too. I really don't think they remembered me like I did them. Oh well :) Also stopped by the skate park that is on the parkway to say hi to my youngest son. He came over and gave me a hug even though I was sweaty and in front of all his friends there.... made me feel very good... what a nice young man :) 9:27, 12:41 (forgot to stop the timer when I needed a potty break) 9:45, 9:15, 9:07, .50 9:15