The Bring Back The Mile campaign and the DC Roadrunners put on the DCRRC track championships. They had a 5:00 and under heat that was way too packed in my opinion. They also had an elite heat for those under 4:20. I don't train for the mile. I ran it for fun and it was ok. It sucked at first because I was boxed in on a slow pace. You can see me looking for a way out: 
I made a huge move on the outside during the second lap which probably dropped me into oxygen debt pretty good but I had to go. Unfortunately it was too late to catch the leader. I could feel the legs tensing up at the beginning of the last lap.
on the final homestretch I was giving it everything and surprisingly a few team-mates (with much faster wheels) blew by me but my legs had nothing to respond with. I have a feeling innate speed is a genetic talent that can't really be changed.
even during this stretch one team member (whom I haven't met) blew by both of us! If it were a 5K the results would be far more predictable...but all is fair in a single mile where weekly mileage matters far less then innate speed and short speedwork. In the end it was a great event and I had a great time.