AM: 2 WU 4MP, 1E, 3MP, 1E, 2MP, 1E, 1MP, 2CD
PM: 1 hr. pool run
Started more conservative which paid dividends because it was easy to run fast at the end of the workout. We ended up going faster than MP at the end. It was hot at the beginning but the dew point plummeted throughout the run so that it was downright enjoyable at the end. We got lucky in this regard. Feeling pretty damn good going into next weekend's half. If only the weather will cooperate next Sunday for us. It's not looking that great so far. the humidity dew point needs to be low. (5:45,5:45,5:33,5:25) (5:29,5:27,5:19) (5:28,5:16) (5:09) AVG: 5:27