My lower body muscles started aching a lot last night from Monday's workout and weren't any better this morning. My body woke up at its usual time - even though I have a class to go to today and could sleep in. I spent a half hour trying to talk myself into moving and finally decided to go run. Getting down the stairs was pretty painful. The first mile wasn't too bad, even with uphills. I had to push the long uphill on 8600 South and was glad to reach 13th East. From about 1.5 - 2.5 miles I was feeling really good, then hit the big downhill and that hurt my quads and glutes A LOT. I didn't enjoy it at all. Right at the start of mile 4, I hit a wall and just lost all energy. I really wanted to stop and walk the rest of the way home, but just kept repeating the mantra - "The sooner you get home, the sooner you can stop." The last mile felt worse than mile 26 of St. George. 12:27 11:47 10:43 10:58
On the bright side - I saw 2 gas stations with gas for $2.99 a gallon. Stopping was painful. Walking up the stairs to my kitchen was painful. Sitting down was almost impossible. Remind me why I am doing this? 34 degrees out. I had on running capris and the lower body felt fine. Long sleeved running shirt was not enough on the upper body. I was cold the entire run.