Man - I am really tired right now. After work I ran 1.3 mile to Gold's Gym. Hopped on the treadmill (1% incline). 1 mile at 6.0 mph; 1/4 mile at 4.5 mph; 1 mile at 6.2 mph; 1/4 mile at 4.5 mph; 1 mile with 2/10 mile increments at 7.0/6.9/6.8/6.7/7.0 mph; 1/2 mile at 4.5 mph. Walked around for a while to get cool down and get some leg muscles back. Started my fall strength training rotation:: squats/lunges/quads/hamstrings/inner thigh/outer thigh/standing calves. Walked home 1.3 miles with my legs feeling as sturdy as jellyfish tentacles.