The run last night seems to have shocked the sore throat out of my system.
Very windy this morning, so waited until after work to run. Same route as Monday night.Walked 1/4 mile to the freeway. 2 miles out and 2 miles back on the paved path that runs
along the freeway. Colors changed even more after rain and colder temperatures yesterday. 1/4 mile cooldown. Avg - 10: 39 miles 10:55, 10:38, 10:39, 10:21 Knee doesn't hurt while running, but sure hurts when taking off my cowboy boots or shoes. 35 minutes yoga. Been feeling pukey the last hour while running and doing yoga. I hope I didn't get food poisoning. Time to pack and eat dinner. I work until 2 or so tomorrow and then head to the airport.