Training for a Belt Buckle

January 12, 2025

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Member Since:

Jan 01, 2008



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

PR's: 50 Mile 13:07 (Pony Express 2010), 50K 8:35 (Buffalo Run 2008), 25K 4:02 (Buffalo Run 2006), Marathon 5:09:12 (St George 2008), Half Marathon 2:28 (Provo 2008), 10K 1:17, 5K 27:54


Short-Term Running Goals:

After 1/9/2010 - I am taking a year off from marathon length distances and focusing on building up my base speed on half marathons and shorter distances.

2010 Speed Goals:

  • Build up my base speed on training runs to 10 MM miles or better
  • Half Marathon - break 2:05 (9.5 MM avg)
  • 10K Goal 1 - break 1:00 (9.67 MM avg)
  • 10K Goal 2 - break 55 minutes (8.87 MM avg)
  • 5K Goal 1 - break 26.35 minutes
  • 5K Goal 2 - break 25 minutes

Long-Term Running Goals:

Long Term Goals:

  • Complete a 100 Mile race
  • Complete a 100 K race
  • Break 12 hours in a 50 mile race
  • Run all portions of the Wasatch 100 course
  • Break 5 hours in a marathon
  • Break 4.5 hours in a marathon
  • Qualify for and run Boston


I need to figure out something inspiring or funny to write here. For now - I'll let the suspense build.

For further unexciting information on my life, check out my blog: Adventures in Running

Favorite Blogs:

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Vibram FiveFingers Lifetime Miles: 452.95
Montrail Streak Lifetime Miles: 195.69
Montrail Vitesse (9.0) Lifetime Miles: 89.75
Mizuno Wave Ascend 3 (2009) Lifetime Miles: 228.50
Brooks Advantage (Blue) Lifetime Miles: 271.42
Crocs Black Lifetime Miles: 80.85
Vibram FiveFingers - Black Lifetime Miles: 65.50
Hoka Mafate Lifetime Miles: 36.95
Hoka Stinson Evo 2012 Lifetime Miles: 53.50
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

Leslie called last night to see if I was still alive - so its time to post again.  I've been busy helping get ready for my neice's wedding and participating in the wedding day.  I'm sure I got a lot of mileage in - but nothing I tracked.

Since this is my last weekend living in Layton, I decided to run some of my favorite trails.  I ran from Fernwood Park in Layton over to the Wilderness Park in Kaysville.  Then I ran a loop of the Wilderness Park.  I think it was a pretty hot day out (just kidding), so started soaking my hat as I passed streams after that to keep my core temperature down.  Several people mentioned seeing rattlesnakes, but I only saw some of their tracks.

I then headed back across the mounting on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail and, when it dipped down into Adams Canyon, I decided to go to the big waterfall in the back of Adams Canyon.  At this point in time, I started walking the uphills - which is most of the way back.  I was kind of worried about running out of fluids - and didn't bring a filtration bottle.

Some nice people shared some of their snacks with me when they saw me enjoying a lovely gu packet.  I walked under the waterfall for a few seconds - but my feet were feeling hypothermic from the snow melt water.  As I had run today, I decided my mizuno trail shoes were probably past their prime.  I was starting to feel bruising from rocks through the right sole and had slipped a little bit.

I started across the water to head down the canyon, and as I came out, my foot (darn those shoes) slipped on the last rock and I bashed my left  knee in pretty bad on the big rock in front of me.  I ended up seated in the water, but it was only ankle deep. After the shock wore off, I got up and started down again. The kneecap started turning lovely colors and I ended up with four nice cuts on the knee - but they didn't bleed for long.  I was able to run about half the way out and across the BST to Fernwood Park again. The knee was sore, but not severely sore.  Besides, there wasn't much choice up there but to make my own way out.

Cleaned up the legs and am now icing and bandaging the knee. Today is not the best day to live in a 3rd floor apartment.  The stairs are a killer.

Night Sleep Time: 0.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 0.00Weight: 0.00
From marion on Fri, Jul 04, 2008 at 18:12:10

Talk about adventures in running. That is the coolest running report I have ever read. You are the total queen of the world. Rattle snakes, dehydration, GU :p. You even got a battle wound! (I hope it is Ok ;)

You are WOMAN hear you ROAR!!! I bet you were fierce looking coming off the trail, all wet-ish, BLEEDING, dusty and sweaty. This is definitely my favorite blog entry ever!

From tarzan on Fri, Jul 04, 2008 at 21:02:39

Thanks, Marion. Sometime Leslie and I will have to tell you about the first time she saw a buffalo charging.

I stopped by Strider's to get a new pair of shoes on my way home. I was very proud of my dirt line when I took off my filthy socks.

I'll have to see how the knee feels tomorrow. I was going to go run the Indian Trail with a group at 6 a.m. - but if the knee is too sore - I might be lazy.

And now - since I am one of Helen Reddy's biggest fans - I am going to have to go play 'I am woman!'

From marion on Fri, Jul 04, 2008 at 22:01:54

I really hope you knee is just a bit bruised and not hurt for real. Be sure to "cut your run if you arn't 100% MUST ALWAYS LIVE TO RUN ANOTHER DAY!!!

From Laurie on Sat, Jul 05, 2008 at 16:35:05

Wow, what a story:) This is one of those days where you should be snapping the pictures for the future and scrapbooking or whatever else. Or maybe just to take it out sometimes to remind yourself how tough you really are. So if you are not living in layton anymore are you going to have less stairs in case you go for a swim again?:)

From tarzan on Sat, Jul 05, 2008 at 19:50:39

Lol at Laurie. If I'd thought of it - I could have taken pictures of my in the water. I was more concerned with getting up before my cell phone got ruined.

I missed the Indian Trail run this morning - but they said they had to jump over a because they came up on it so fast.

Actually - I will have about the same amount of stairs if I go in from my garage - but only one flight if I go in from the front door (6 small steps to the main floor).

From lelsie on Sat, Jul 05, 2008 at 23:25:07

Maurine, it was fun to read your post! You are a tough little cookie! I am sooo glad you will be in SLC so we have more running adventures together! And guess what????? I told Harold I am thinking of doing the OV50 with you. I told him as we were driving over Trappers Loop, he thinks I am loopy, but oh well, so buddy, we have some training to do!!!!!!! How is the knee doing? I hope it was just a flesh wound!

From tarzan on Sat, Jul 05, 2008 at 23:31:07

Ohhh - you are so brave telling Harold. I'll have to watch out running around town. He might drive me over.

The knee is healing. It is pretty bruised with 4 nice cuts. The other leg has a nice bruise too. I am enjoying watching them turn colors.

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