Training for a Belt Buckle

March 12, 2025

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Member Since:

Jan 01, 2008



Goal Type:

Boston Qualifier

Running Accomplishments:

PR's: 50 Mile 13:07 (Pony Express 2010), 50K 8:35 (Buffalo Run 2008), 25K 4:02 (Buffalo Run 2006), Marathon 5:09:12 (St George 2008), Half Marathon 2:28 (Provo 2008), 10K 1:17, 5K 27:54


Short-Term Running Goals:

After 1/9/2010 - I am taking a year off from marathon length distances and focusing on building up my base speed on half marathons and shorter distances.

2010 Speed Goals:

  • Build up my base speed on training runs to 10 MM miles or better
  • Half Marathon - break 2:05 (9.5 MM avg)
  • 10K Goal 1 - break 1:00 (9.67 MM avg)
  • 10K Goal 2 - break 55 minutes (8.87 MM avg)
  • 5K Goal 1 - break 26.35 minutes
  • 5K Goal 2 - break 25 minutes

Long-Term Running Goals:

Long Term Goals:

  • Complete a 100 Mile race
  • Complete a 100 K race
  • Break 12 hours in a 50 mile race
  • Run all portions of the Wasatch 100 course
  • Break 5 hours in a marathon
  • Break 4.5 hours in a marathon
  • Qualify for and run Boston


I need to figure out something inspiring or funny to write here. For now - I'll let the suspense build.

For further unexciting information on my life, check out my blog: Adventures in Running

Favorite Blogs:

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Miles:This week: 0.00 Month: 0.00 Year: 0.00
Vibram FiveFingers Lifetime Miles: 452.95
Montrail Streak Lifetime Miles: 195.69
Montrail Vitesse (9.0) Lifetime Miles: 89.75
Mizuno Wave Ascend 3 (2009) Lifetime Miles: 228.50
Brooks Advantage (Blue) Lifetime Miles: 271.42
Crocs Black Lifetime Miles: 80.85
Vibram FiveFingers - Black Lifetime Miles: 65.50
Hoka Mafate Lifetime Miles: 36.95
Hoka Stinson Evo 2012 Lifetime Miles: 53.50
Easy MilesMarathon Pace MilesThreshold MilesVO2 Max MilesTotal Distance

2 miles walking and running (more running than walking) with the puppy this morning.

Weight is starting to go down again as I focus on eating healthier.  I am really frustrated though because I feel so out of shape.  Things that were so easy two weeks ago are so much harder now.

On the positive side, while watching Biggest Loser last night I was doing some ab exercises and did not feel my hernia at all (but I was being more careful).  Maybe it is just a tear after all (the doctor said that it might possibly be).

AM 2 - Les called right after I got out of staff meeting and was taking Odee over to Wheeler Farm. I took an early lunch and ran over there to meet her. We ran around the farm together for about half an hour and then Paul and Julie came, so Odee and I ran some more while Leslie walked with them. I was gone 52 minutes, so am giving it 4.5 miles.  Really glad I had a long sleeved shirt in my running bag - because the temperature is starting to drop.


PM - just finished 45 minutes of upper body workout.  That really takes some focusing when you have a puppy jumping up halfway through to lay on your stomach and/or back as you balance on a Swiss Ball.  After eating and relaxing for a little while - plan to do about 30 minutes of Yoga and stretching.

Vibram FiveFingers Miles: 2.00Mizuno Wave Ascend 3 Miles: 4.50
Night Sleep Time: 7.00Nap Time: 0.00Total Sleep Time: 7.00Weight: 149.00
From Marion on Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 10:12:40 from

Yeah for a tear?? I think it is funny how the body can seem to change from fierce to blah so fast. It must be a glycogen thing :) Way to go on the eating.

From leslie on Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 11:52:24 from

I was thinking the same thing, I have been running all winter and feel like I am in such crappy shape, this weather is going to get us all in better spirits and we will get stronger!

From RAD on Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 13:26:13 from

YEA for feeling better!! Now if we can just get that IT back in shape! Funny how taking some 'rest weeks' is supposed to help, but you come back feeling like a slug! Come eat some muffins and laugh with us on Saturday and we'll get your spirits up :)

From Smooth on Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 15:53:05 from

Sounds like your recovery is coming along. Glad the hernia is healing nicely. GOOD JOB getting out there twice. The storm is brewing in the horizon now. Aren't you glad you got'er done?

From kelli on Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 18:54:09 from

What did you think of Biggest Loser last night? Ron ticked me off. He needs to go. I feel bad for the guy and all and he has lost quite a bit of weight, but because of all of his injuries and crap he can never participate. His son has pulled him the entire game and it is time for him to go home. It does not seem fair that he either does not finish challenges or is exempt from them becasue of his issues. Everyone else is working all the time. It ANNOYS me. I do not, however, think he is as evil and manipulative as they made him out to be. He is just watching out for his son and trying to help him win.

Interesting show. I LOVE IT!

Great job today, glad the hernia did not bug!

From Maurine/Tarzan on Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 19:00:01 from

I agree and disagree with you.

1 - I hope Tara wins it because she has dominated all along.

2 - I think Ron if very manipulative. Almost every time it comes to eliminate someone - he announces who needs to go and everyone wimps along and follow him. Yet - if someone suggests the same to him - he wants to take them out.

As an example - when one of the sisters went home, his statement was, "She needs to be home to help her dad lose weight." This from the man who has another morbidly obese teenager at home. If I were there - I would have thrown that right back in his face.

I think the reason he has stayed on is because everyone knows he cannot win - but I think it would be a poor example if he made the finals. To come that close to winning and still be morbidly obese would be sad.

I do hope that when they do the 'makeover show' - that someone waxes his arms and puts him in a truss (ok - that shows the petty side of me).

After Sione left it will be interesting to see who wins from home - him or the woman they kicked off last week. Sione does look good (make that fantastic) - but I still have to admit that I don't like his attitude to others.

Wouldn't it be cool to even have 4 weeks of living on a ranch like that - just focused on diet and exercise? It would be amazing to see what it could do for someone already in relatively good shape.

From Kelli on Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 19:17:20 from

Yes---I would take two weeks even!!!

Okay, I do agree about Ron and how he voices his opinion. BUT I have just always figured at least he was being honest. AND when he said it was Filipe's turn to go, after talking to Sione, he did change his mind and not vote for him (however, why did they not THROW that in his face??? He was perfectly willing to throw Filipe under the bus, but got mad when they did the same to him the next week). I guess Ron is just not the worst player I have ever seen, but he is a little bossy! And, good point about his son at home that needs him! GOOD POINT!

I LOVE Sione. I actually think he is just quiet and sincere. I think he is one of the nicest players the game has ever had. Why don't you like him? I would rather have seen Filipe go, he is getting a little obnoxious and pushy to the women (but will not do it to his elders??? whatever).

As for Tara, I already know we disagree about her. Her arrogance has bothered me from day one and I pray she does not win. BUT, I think she will. Of all the people left, I would like to see Mike win. He is his dad's little puppet, though, and that bothers me.

Okay, see, I do talk about more than sugar cookies!

Oh, and I think the lady they brought back 2 weeks ago will win the at home thing. She has done amazing and she was never even really there!! Go HER!!!!!! Although, I do love Sione. And you can not discount the brothers from Mesa, as well.

From tarzan on Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 20:06:18 from

I would have rather seen Felipe go - I definitely don't like his attitude. I guess they both rubbed me raw when they started pouting after their trainers were changed. I got turned off all the guys after their little 'giggling' fits dumping weights on Tara and Helen the day of the car pull.

Yeah - Tara is arrogant - but I probably would be too if I had put in the effort and was able to kick butt from day one.

So - would you have eaten all the calories last night? And I notice that they weren't eating sugar cookies..... LOL

From Kelli on Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 13:13:34 from

Arrogance rubs me wrong no matter what. That is what kind of turned me off when it came to Filipe, he has been kind of cocky lately.

I totally understood why they gave Tara all of the weight during the car pull (because she kicks their trash in EVERY competition), but it was obnoxious how they "giggled" and goofed off while doing it. No need to rub it in, just do it. Once again, Tara's pouting about it ticked me off! It would stink to be ganged up on like that, BUT she has to understand SHE is the competition and she should have let herself be a little flattered by the fact she scares everyone so much. I was bugged by the pouting, but because of the rude way they all gave her weight, I actually wanted her to beat the heck out of all of them with the extra weight. I rarely cheer for her (I am always cheering for the underdog, I do not like it on this show when the same person always gets the prizes) but this was one time I wanted her to waste them all.

And, to answer your question, I do not think I would have eaten anything (even Kneaders sugar cookies). In watching all of these seasons, I think I would most likely skip all temptations. They are never worth it. Plus, I do not think I could have lived with myself if I had to be the sole decision maker on booting someone out. I am too nice (ha ha ha). If I were Filipe or Sione, however, I would have eaten like crazy and FAST!!! Knowing that people have it in for you changes things, and even Bob understood that!

I have already written a novel, but I do want to add that I can not stand the way Bob and Jillian freak with all of the temptations. They can be so dumb. Plus, I totally think they already know what happened and they act all surprised (and not very convincingly, either).

And, LASTLY, my main issue (as I said, I am always rooting for the underdog) is that I want Bob to finally have one of his people win. I think he is a better (if not, at least equal), nicer trainer and he deserves a win. Mike should never have flip flopped, but I do not believe for a second he flipped a coin. I think he was trying to train AWAY from his dad and he knew his dad would choose Bob.


From RAD on Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 13:29:57 from

wow! I thought I was into Biggest loser. Craig (my hubby) should be glad I'm not into it like you guys are! He already tries to 'trick' me out of watching it and moans and groans when I do watch it - STINKER!!

I like Tara, sorry all. I do like Mike too though. However, I'd love to see Kristen win it! She seems like the nicest one and needs to weight loss the most - I just wish her weight loss would start accelerating so she could win!! Hmmmm, thats my 2 cents :)

From Kelli on Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 15:04:26 from

Rachel, you know I am way too into the show. But it gives me something to do.

I am going to go take Tara down myself!!! I wonder if I could have pulled that car?? I seriously doubt I would have made it more than 5 feet. She is tough.

From maurine/tarzan on Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 15:15:21 from

This is actually my first season (other than a little two seasons back) that I have been hooked on it. Of course, I workout while watching it :).

Yeah - Bob and Jillian know what is going on. And don't tell me they don't know who went home until they come in the next morning....

Could I have pulled the car? I doubt I would know because......I would have been worried about injuring my legs or back and not being able to run.

I would like to see Kristen win it - but she needs to start pulling bigger numbers if she is going to do so. She still has a chance.

I agree that Mike probably wanted to get away from his dad. Yes, he wants his dad to get healthy - but if he is smart he should know that he needs to focus on getting his life together. He still stands a good chance of winning - but not if his dad does not go home soon.

Rachel - you should realize that right now I only watch tv two times a week (if I am home) and that is for Biggest Loser and CSI Las Vegas.

My sister is really into the show too (and I think it appeals to both of us as she lives her own Biggest Loser lifestyle changes) and we start texting or calling as the weigh in goes on.

From Kelli on Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 15:18:07 from

Wish I could say the same. I also watch Lost and Heroes and Survivor (don't ask why, it must be my competitive nature needing a fix).

From Kelli on Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 15:19:54 from

Cookie Monster joined the blog!!! YEAH.

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