| Location: FL, Member Since: Mar 20, 2007 Gender: Male Goal Type: Boston Qualifier Running Accomplishments: PR's:
- 1 mile : 5:43 (3/2017)
- 5K : 18:34 (12/2011)
- 5 mile : 32:03 (5/2010)
- 10K : 39:29 (11/2013)
- 11K: 46:47 (July 2008)
- Half Marathon : 1:26:47 (11/2012)
- Marathon : 3:06:34 (02/2010)
- 50K Trail: 4:34 (01/2012)
- 50 Mile: 8:34:48 (4/2012)
- 100K: 11:06 (2/2012)
- 100 Mile: 24:19:44 (1/2022)
- Treasure Coast Marathon (FL) - 3:39:51, Mar 2021
- Towpath Marathon (OH) - 3:35:26, Oct 2019
- Jacksonville Marathon - 3:31:10, Dec 2018
- NYC Marathon - 3:49:12, Nov 2017
- Marine Corps Marathon - 3:27:00, Oct 2016
- Utah Valley - Jun 2016
- Marine Corps Marathon - 3:28:12, Oct 2015
- Pocatello Marathon (ID) - 3:32:25, Sept 2015
- Chasing The Unicorn (PA) - 3:31:20, Aug 2015
- Run for The Red (Poconos) - 3:30:40, May 2015
- Boston - 3:24:42, Apr 2015
- Clearwater - 3:27:04, Jan 2015
- Clearwater - 3:16:17, Jan 2014
- Boston - 3:27:00, Apr 2011
- DesNews - 3:10:57, Jul 2010
- Gasparilla - 3:06:34, Feb 2010
- Space Coast - 3:11:29, Nov 2009
- Estes Park (7500' and up) - 3:52:19, Jun 2009
- Boston - 3:17:22, Apr 2009
- Niagara Falls - 3:19:21, Oct 2008
- San Diego RnR - 3:24:18, Jun 2008
- Jacksonville Marathon -3:21:24, Dec 2007
- Chicago Marathon - 3:35:08, Oct 2007
- Disney Marathon - 3:52:34, Jan 2007
Short-Term Running Goals:
Sub 40:00 10K
- 2:59 Marathon
- 1:25 Half Marathon
- 18:30 5K
Long-Term Running Goals: Maintain my health and continuously seek to improve my fitness. Maybe someday get under 3:00 for marathon. More importantly, I'd like to figure out what my maximum ability is and reach that.
I'd also like to find the right balance in life and use running to enhance and improve myself.
Personal: Dad of three (welcome Charlotte Dani on 8/10/20) awesome kids and stepdad to three almost as awesome as my own kids.
I have a brown dog named Stella, and three cats - Catty, Tortie, and Esperanza.
(old lines that were a little out of date but couldn't quite bring myself to removing them completely:) Also, have one wonderful brown dog named Sammy and just added a grey tiger cat (Catty) whose life started out rough but now has a better home.
I've recently started another blog so I can easily add lots of pictures and so other non-FRB users can leave comments:
Forward Progress!
Also, for 2012 I started a blog to write down each day one thing that I am grateful for
Grateful Blog
Love living in Florida but love to travel and see the country and rest of the world.
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| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Trainer 1 Miles | Trainer 2 Miles | Racer Miles | Total Distance | 62.05 | 0.00 | 5.50 | 0.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 68.05 |
Asics Equation Miles: 39.34 | Nimbus 11 Paris Miles: 17.71 | Brooks Launch Miles: 10.00 |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Trainer 1 Miles | Trainer 2 Miles | Racer Miles | Total Distance | 10.47 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 10.97 |
| Different from my usual Monday morning run, I drove to the nearby hilly neighborhood. Parked 1.5 miles away, ran that for my warm up. Then, looped and zigzagged up and down the hills. They aren't real big but they are big enough to feel them. It was pretty warm and humid again this morning. I didn't look at the temperature. I must not have wanted to look. Headed back out of the hilly neighborhood after doing about 5 miles there. Ran 5 repeats up and down the driveway of a church which is also on a hill. I would have done more but was also planning on doing 8 strides at the end of the run so I didn't want to overdo it. Arrived back at my truck and grabbed and quickly drank the water I had there then did the rest of my run, about two more miles. With about a mile or so left to go I did 8 strides, 25 seconds each, which brought me back to where I was parked. It sure was hot, but at least it was cloudy so there was no direct sun. Average pace: 8:04
Asics Equation Miles: 9.97 |
| Comments(1) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Trainer 1 Miles | Trainer 2 Miles | Racer Miles | Total Distance | 9.08 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 9.08 |
Weather was much nicer this morning. Still pretty warm and humid but just a few degrees cooler really makes you appreciate it, there was also a small breeze which helped. Ran with Jenny around the neighborhood. We woke up and were out the door ahead of our usual schedule. A bit too early since one of the roads we usually runs down is a gated neighborhood, wasn't opened up yet, so we had to adjust a little bit. Once we had 1 mile left Jenny started picking it up, so we did that mile just under 8:00 pace. Average pace: 8:47 After the run I did a little over 30 minutes of strength exercises for chest, core, legs, and arms. I had been missing strength work too often and need to not neglect it.
Nimbus 11 Paris Miles: 9.08 |
| Comments(1) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Trainer 1 Miles | Trainer 2 Miles | Racer Miles | Total Distance | 5.00 | 0.00 | 5.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 10.00 |
| One more day of cooler weather (low 70's). I woke up feeling extremely exhausted at first. My head was in a cloud at first. Part of the way around the neighborhood I realized I forgot my phone, decided I should go back to get it just in case. Got going again and headed out towards the road that runs along the golf course. I was having trouble getting started, then finally decided I couldn't put it off any longer, not too much of a delay I suppose (2.5 mile warm up instead of 2 miles). Started the tempo portion and it actually didn't feel to bad. The schedule called for 3-5 mile tempo run at a 6:24-6:41 pace, so I had a range of distance and pace to choose from. This is one of the things I like about this training plan. At 2.5 miles into the tempo portion decided I'd go for at least 4 miles, then just past 3 decided I might as well do all 5. Splits: 6:37, 6:25, 6:27, 6:30, 6:27 It was hard but felt good to get it done. Ran mostly easy on the way back home. Average pace: 7:26
Brooks Launch Miles: 10.00 |
| Comments(1) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Trainer 1 Miles | Trainer 2 Miles | Racer Miles | Total Distance | 9.37 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 9.37 |
| Easy paced run this morning with Jenny. Weather was nice again and my legs were in pretty good shape after yesterday's speed work so that was good also. We ran into Jenny's friend Carin and ran with her for a short bit.
Average pace: 8:54 After the run I had enough time to get in about 30 minutes of strength training similar to what I did on Tuesday. Circuit style with various things like squats, push-ups, pull-ups, dead lifts, curls, anything I could think of using what we have at home.
Asics Equation Miles: 9.37 |
| Comments(1) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Trainer 1 Miles | Trainer 2 Miles | Racer Miles | Total Distance | 8.13 | 0.00 | 0.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 8.63 |
| Jenny was doing a short run this morning, so we just did 3 miles together then I did the rest on my own. Another nice morning for running. Went by pretty quickly. I was feeling good at the end so I picked it up for the last half mile.
Average pace: 8:04 Early run tomorrow to try and get in some miles before 7:15 and meet Jenny and the boys at the RAP River Run 5K, where Jenny will be racing and I'll be running along side the boys. They usually have some pretty good food afterward.
Nimbus 11 Paris Miles: 8.63 |
| Comments(1) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Trainer 1 Miles | Trainer 2 Miles | Racer Miles | Total Distance | 20.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 20.00 |
Woke up at 4:45, got ready, warmed up a little, and started running at 5:21. I had a mission this morning. Get in as many miles as possible by 7:30 at the latest and meet Jenny and the boys at Sims park for the RAP River Run 5K. To get there, I would have to run on roads I had never run on before and didn't know how runner friendly they would be. Fortunately, since it was early enough in the morning I knew that they wouldn't be busy. I started out running on my usual morning route heading past the golf course. I stopped briefly at the water fountain to try and top myself off with water. The air was warm and humid but tolerable - the coolness of the past few days had slipped away. I ran up Little Road, past 54 and continued north. There was a stretch of that road which becomes lonely, no buildings of any kind, just trees. Jenny called me on the phone about 6 miles into the run to see where I was and to ask if I had fed the dogs. Made it to Massachusetts Ave and turned left there. I was surprised to see I very wide sidewalk marked off for bicycles and pedestrians. I was running on that for a bit but worried about having run on so much concrete so I ran on the road when there were no cars. Another surprise was a hill (but only maybe 30 feet or so, big for around here). As I neared the end of that road I could see a police car's lights flashing to mark the end of the race course. I turned left onto Grand Ave which runs along the Cotee river. I've always wanted to run along there and this morning was the perfect time with it closed. There were already volunteers along the route setting up. I made it to Sims park at 7:00, then turned around and ran back up Grand, then turned back again towards Sims park. Jenny called to say that she had just arrived. So, I hurried up, met her and the boys by where they parked and got my race bib. Did a short warm up with the boys then we headed over to the starting area. Besides my two boys, I ran with one of Jenny's friend's daughter. Neither of the boys had really run since the 5K they did this past spring, other than the sprinting they do in Tae Kwon Do, so there were not expectations or goals, just run and finish the race. So, I thought it would be pretty casual. My youngest one, takes off at the start and gets on a pretty good pace, and he was holding it really well for the first mile and on into the second mile. He was determined to not let his older brother pass him up. I kept telling him to take it easy and relax, but that didn't seem to do any good. So, about two miles into the race he started having some problems, slowing down and taking walk breaks. But he didn't want to stop for long afraid that his older brother would get ahead of him. The last half mile, there was much screaming. I'm not sure if he had a cramp or was over heated but something was hurting but he didn't want to quit. His last race was on a pretty nice morning, much cooler than this morning, but he was way ahead of pace despite the slowing down late in the race. The crowd was great, cheering him on, saying things like, "That's one tough guy" and "look at that little kid go!". At the 3 mile sign I thought that he actually might not finish it or just walk the rest of the way, but when I was able to point out the finish chute to him, he suddenly found his legs again and sprinted across the finish. They even announced his name as he crossed. 28:30, new PR by one minute.
Meanwhile, his older brother had gone ahead and finished almost under 27:00, although not a PR for him, it was an un-paced PR. Jenny finished first in her age group which will earn her a free running outfit that has a deal going on where if you where they brand and win (age group or overall) a race, they will give you a free pair of shorts and top. And then, before too much time past and I got caught up in the post race fun, I ran back up Grand on an out and back to get my last 2 miles in to make it 20 for the day. It was fun to run back up and down the course now that it was mostly empty, except for a few walkers and the remaining volunteers still cheering them. It was a pretty big race for a local 5K, about 1,000 people today, having grown from about 400 people 2 years ago.
Asics Equation Miles: 20.00 |
| Comments(1) |
| Easy Miles | Marathon Pace Miles | Threshold Miles | VO2 Max Miles | Trainer 1 Miles | Trainer 2 Miles | Racer Miles | Total Distance | 62.05 | 0.00 | 5.50 | 0.50 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 68.05 |
Asics Equation Miles: 39.34 | Nimbus 11 Paris Miles: 17.71 | Brooks Launch Miles: 10.00 |
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