8.6 mi. 1:11:50, 8:21 avg
Tuesday run at Longleaf with the Striders. It used to be called "tempo Tuesday" back when it was smaller and more structured (although only on Tuesdays) and they were actually more like tempo intervals or just intervals but Tempo Tuesday sounded much better. So, in the spirit of tradition I did some intervals. I picked quarters to make myself try and go faster. But I couldn't seem to quite get to the speed I wanted. I thought I would do 8, and if I did them all successfully I'd treat myself to doing two more for a total of 10.
I wanted to do them all in the 1:20's, but only managed one with the rest in the low 1:30's, so I decided that I'd end with 8 and be ok that it was the best I could do today.
After a cool down, I picked it up a little and did the last two miles at 7:30 pace which felt good. When I got back I looked at my splits for the quarters and realized I had only done 6! My counting brain was not working. But despite all that it was still a pretty good run, at least it was different.
Quarters (close to 400's): 1:35, 1:36, 1:26, 1:33, 1:31, 1:33