5.49@8:16 HR 148 bpm
Workout of the day, 15 minute tempo run with pace between 6:39 and 6:59. Not too far and not as hard of a pace compared to the fast part of the progression run, but still pace was basically what I've been running for a lot of my 5k's (unless I could hit the fast end of the range).
Weather between warm and cool (right at 75 degrees), after the 15 minute warmup, stepped on the gas and for the first few minutes was in the 6:30's, but gradually settled into 6:50's. Turned around a little past a mile into the tempo, saw my pace was slipping and had to try hard to hang on but kept it under 7:00 for the first 10 minutes after which the watch resets the lap pace for the next 5 minutes. For a short time was at 7:01 but then got it together while going over the little bridge until finally down to 6:53 average for last 5 minutes.
So, just barely made it. Wondered if I should have gone ahed and finished off the mile instead of stopping at the prescribed 5 minutes, but decided just stick to the plan.
This weekend I have a repeat workout of one that didn't go so well - one hour easy running (well, this time will be 1:10), followed by 10 minutes at half marathon goal pace then 5 minutes at 6:19-6:39. Plan is to go easier in the easy section, staying at the slower end so I can shift into the fast section feeling more in control.