Ok, today was supposed to be just 3 "easy" miles. Instead I wanted to try getting right onto pace similar to what I'd want for race day.
First I jogged around a small block, about 1/4 mile, then did three strides, paused like I was at the start line and then started.
Ran the three'ish mile loop inside Westlake Village which is a little short of 3 miles so I overalapped to reach the distance. Paces were 7:48,7:41, and 7:30. The first mile felt hardest (actually the first half of the first mile was what felt hard).
Upon looking back I probably could have just done the three easy but this felt like a confidence boost.
I'm not sure if this run would be my undoing, but waking up on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday did not feel great (although Saturday was the worst feeling day). Not sure if I was fighting something as I don't think this 3 mile run could've ruined me.